Tender Reference: |
HHBH2417S0012024 |
Date of Tender Issue: |
23 August 2024 (Hong Kong Time) |
Procuring Department: |
Health Bureau |
Tender Subject: |
Tender for the Supply of an Integrated Telecommunications System to the Chinese Medicine Hospital, the System to be ready for use within 8 months from date of order |
Description: |
The Integrated Telecommunications System (“ITS”) comprising of telephone system, Private Automatic Branch Exchange (“PABX”), telecommunications system (i.e. 4G and 5G mobile network and infrastructure) would be acquired through this tender exercise to support the healthcare delivery and communication for various user departments and wards. The ITS shall form a platform for interfacing and/or integration with other systems such that different communication channels, media and workflows as per user requirements can be achieved in the Chinese Medicine Hospital (CMH).
Enquiries: |
Enquiries shall be made to the following persons no later than five working days prior to the Tender Closing Date.
Address: Chinese Medicine Hospital Project Office, Health Bureau, 13/F, THE HUB, 23 Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
Facsimile: (852) 2127 4795
Tender Documents: |
Please contact Ms.CHAN at (852) 2127 4547 in advance for arrangement to obtain the DVD-ROM.
Tender Closing Date/Time: |
12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on 4 October 2024 (Friday) |
Submission of Tenders: |
For Paper Based Tender Submission
Tender must be placed and sealed in two separate envelopes. The “Technical Proposal” must be placed and sealed in one envelope while the “Price Proposal” must be placed and sealed in another envelope.
The Technical Proposal and the Price Proposal envelopes as described above shall then be enclosed in one separate sealed plain envelope. |
Tenders must be clearly marked with the tender reference and the subject of the tender on the outside of the envelope (but should not bear any indication which may relate the tender to the tenderer) addressed to the Chairman, Central Tender Board, and placed in the Government Secretariat Tender Box located at the lobby of the Public Entrance on the Ground Floor, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong before 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time) on the Tender Closing Date. |
Tenders must be deposited in the tender box as specified in this tender notice (“Specified Tender Box”) before the Tender Closing Time. Late tenders or tenders not deposited in the Specified Tender Box will not be accepted. |
If tropical cyclone signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or a black rainstorm warning signal or “extreme conditions” announced by the Government is/are in force at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on the Tender Closing Date, the Tender Closing Time will be postponed to 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on the first working day after the tropical cyclone signal No. 8 is lowered, or the black rainstorm warning signal or the “extreme conditions” announced by the Government has/have ceased to be in force. |
In case of blockage of the public access to the location of the Specified Tender Box at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon (Hong Kong time) on the Tender Closing Date, the Government will announce extension of the Tender Closing Time until further notice. Following removal of the blockage, the Government will announce the extended tender closing time as soon as practicable. The above announcements will be made via press releases on the website of Information Services Department ( https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/today.htm). |
For Electronic Based Tender Submission
Remarks: |
1. |
A tender briefing session will be held at 1430 hours on : (3 September 2024) at the Chinese Medicine Hospital Project Office, Health Bureau, 13/F, THE HUB, 23 Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong.
2. |
Although attendance at the tender briefing session is not compulsory, prospective tenderers are encouraged to participate. A prospective tenderer who wishes to attend the tender briefing session is requested to complete the reply slip at Annex A to Part I of the Tender Documents and fax it to Hospital Administrator I (Chinese Medicine Hospital Project Office)1B on (852) 2127 4795 on or before 1200 noon on 30 August 2024. The number of representatives of each tenderer is limited to two persons. Confirmation of registration will be issued to the tenderer upon receipt of the signed reply slip. Late registration may not be accepted. |
3. |
Open tender is adopted. All interested contractors/suppliers/service providers are invited to tender. |
4. |
The tender is covered by the Agreement on Government Procurement of the World Trade Organization. |
5. |
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region does not bind itself to accept the tender with the highest combined score or any tender, and reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms of the offer. |
6. |
Details of the tender award will be published on the Health Bureau website at https://www.healthbureau.gov.hk/en/tender/index.html |